Hubs Finder

About Hubs Finder

Who is behind Hubs Finder?

Hi, I'm Robbert and I work as freelance frontend developer.

Why did you build Hubs Finder?

The reason I built Hubs Finder is due to issues I ran into when trying to purchase a USB hub for myself. There were so many options with slightly different ports with opaque specs that made it really hard to compare them. Often I found myself wondering whether the hub would actually do what I expected it to do.

I thought there had to be an easier way to compare hubs and to find out whether a specific hub will work with your devices.

Why are there two versions of Hub Finder?

At the start of the flow you can select whether you know just a little or quite a lot about hubs and ports. This leads you to one of two flows: A more straightforward one where you select specific ports, and a more abstracted one where you select the devices you want to connect. Hubs Finder then picks the ports that best match with those devices.

The reason for this is to help non tech-savy people narrow down what hubs might work for them, while allowing more knowledgeable users to be very specific about which exact version of ports they want to use.

And for people who don't like using a step by step flow, you can also skip directly to the filterable results page straight from the home page.

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